Thursday, August 13, 2009

What do you know?!

I don't know why they are trying to teach me about the solitude. I don't know if it's a God's will or a out of nowhere coincidence. My familly's all gone for a familly trip without me. I cannot meet anyone until my wounds get better. My friend is telling me all of sudden that solitude will turn into loneliness and that I should stop acting like I am enjoying the solitude and pick up his phone calls.(I cannot talk!) Another friend is gone for a road trip saying he loves solitude but don't want to be lonely.

I like my status! comfortable times alone. right this instant! I really do!And I'm telling you that feeling lonely and solitude is completely different.

Solitude[sol-i-tood, -tyood]: -noun- a state of seclusion or isolation, especially when this is peaceful and pleasant. Loneliness: -noun- the unhappiness that is a feeling where people experience a powerful surge of emptiness and solitude.

I do hate dictionary definations.However, I don't know how those things like quiz shows and dictionarys that have perfect answers pleases me thesedays. A defination of loneliness includes the solitude. i can see that. But make a note of it.

I'm just angry. All I wanted was to focus more on myself and be free. People expect me the best and ask me to slow down. It's not logical. There comes a sacrifies to get something. Perhaps for me, something must be people around me. I keep getting angry. And what I'm keep thinking about is that..
Am I Lonely? or Is This a Solitude?.

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